ENP 6 Students’ blogs

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Area 1

Group 618-A

This blog was constructed by students of Area 1 Mathematics, Physics and Engineering during the year.

Students from The Escuela Nacional Preparatoria,  in their last year of studies, choose their specific area of interest  before start their major in order to have a better knowledge. The main goal of area 1 is to achieve the knowledge in  subjects like  mathematics, chemistry, physics,  and drawing.

The purpose of this blog is to share  the access to different information. For instance, if a student needs information about integral calculus, you can check this blog and find links, e-books, videos, etc. and  improve his knowledge.

It has different pages with the name of majors offered by UNAM to disclose what provides each one. You will find videos with the description of the major and some links to check more specific details as labor camp.

Visit the blog:  https://enp6area1.wordpress.com


Group 605A

This web site is very interesting and useful for those students who want to study Science


Group 610A

The content of this blog is related to subjects such as Biology, Medicine, and Chemistry



This blog was designed by students of Area 3 Social Sciences during  the scholar year.

The main study of area 3 is Social Sciences like Law, Economy, Accountancy,  International Affairs, Political Science.

The purpose of this blog is to facilite to the students to have a direct access to different social information. For instance, if some student needs information about political problems, you can check this blog and find links, e-books, videos, etc. to improve their knowledge.

It has different pages with the name of majors offered by UNAM to disclose what provides each one. You will find videos with the description of the major and some links to check more specific details as labor camp.

Check the blog:  https://english1415enp609.wordpress.com

There is another web site If you want to consult and  find information about area 3 careers,exercises to improve your writing, vocabulary, speaking skills and links that can help you to know about another countries.

Check the blog: https://grupo608.wordpress.com/

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